Wildlife Reserves Singapore and the International Union for Conservation of Nature Species Survival Commission (IUCN-SSC) Pangolin Specialist Group have organized the first ever global conference on the protection and conservation of pangolins. The four day “Scaling up Pangolin Conservation” conference…
26 pangolins and ten pythons were confiscated when a smuggling attempt on the southwest coast of Sumatra was foiled by authorities. The Bengkulu Natural Resouce Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and the Kepahiang District Police (Polres) seized the pangolins and pythons in the Bermani Ilir sub-district on…
In less than a month’s time, Nepalese authorities have rounded up 12 suspects in three separate incidents for smuggling rhino horns and pangolin scales. On April 27th, six rhino horn traders were arrested in Bardibas (Mahottari district). Bhishma Humagain, Inspector of Police at Bardibas Area Police…
It seems that no pangolin population is safe from the deadly illegal trade: During the final ten days of April 2013, pangolins and scales were seized in the Philippines, India, Cameroon, and France. On April 20th — just days after the shocking discovery of 2,000 frozen pangolins on a Chinese fishing…
A conservative estimate of pangolin trafficking from 2011 through April 20th, 2013, suggests that more than 100,000 of these small mammals could have been killed in less than three years. Since most illegal wildlife trade is undetected, we based our estimate on seizures reported by the media for the…
A Chinese fishing vessel which ran aground in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Philippines, was carrying 400 boxes of frozen pangolins in its cargo hold. Each box reportedly contained 25 to 30 pangolins. The 12 Chinese fishermen aboard the ship were taken into custody…
Authorities in Malaysia and Thailand have intercepted two illegal shipments of live pangolins in a span of less than 10 days. The first incident occurred on on March 19th, when Malaysia’s Department of Wildlife and National Parks seized 133 pangolins at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).…

“Tons of pangolins are transported from the border between Laos and Vietnam through Cau Treo Border Gate. All owners of the pangolin shipments are women, and these so-called “godmothers” run perfect systems that men could not.”

Customs officers at Jakarta International Airport nabbed four suspects who were attempting to smuggle 189 pangolin skins and 248 hornbill casques out of the country.
2012: A Year of Both Heartbreak and Hope for Pangolins (via Annamiticus)
Although 2012 was an undeniably difficult year for the elusive pangolin, there is indeed hope for this unique species. Between January and July 2012, at least 43 pangolin seizures were made across eleven countries, representing approximately 2,550 pangolins (scales, flesh and whole pangolins, dead…